1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Server Settings/Controls
    • chat.serverlog <true/false (default true)> - If true, chat will be logged to the console
    • echo "text" - Prints text to the server console
    • env.time -
    • event.run - Sends an airdrop from a random direction to drop crates at (0,0,0)
    • find <name or . for all> - Search for a command
    • say "message" - Broadcasts a message in chat to ALL players
    • server.globalchat <true/false (default true?)> - If true, chat will be broadcasted to ALL players
    • server.hostname "server name" - Sets the server name
    • server.identity "identity" - Sets the server’s identity. This is used for the folder name of the server data
    • server.level "map name" : Sets the server’s map
    • server.maxplayers <number (default 500)> - Sets the maximum amount of players that can connect
    • server.port <number (default 28015)> - Sets the connection port of the server
    • server.save - Forces the server to save the map and player data
    • server.saveinterval <number (default 60)> - Sets the server’s auto-save interval
    • server.secure <true/false (default true)> - If true, EAC will kick banned or unregistered users upon joining
    • server.seed <number (default 123456)> - Sets the server’s map generation seed
    • server.stability true/false - If true, structure stability is enabled on the server
    • server.start - Uhh… starts your server? Wait, isn’t it already running?
    • server.stop "reason" - Stops yours server with a specified reason
    • server.tickrate <number (default 30)> - Uhh… sets the tick rate?
    • server.worldsize <number (default 4000)> - Sets the size of the map/world
    • server.writecfg - Writes and saves server configuration files
    • quit - Saves everything and stops the server
    Player Administration
    • ban "player name" "reason"
    • banid <steamid64> "player name" "reason"
    • banlist - List of banned users
    • banlistex - List of banned users with reasons and usernames
    • kick <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Kicks player, with optional reason
    • kickall <invalid parameter, just put ""> "reason" - Kicks all players, with optional reason
    • listid <steamid64> - List of banned users by Steam ID
    • moderatorid <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Sets player as a server moderator with auth level 1
    • ownerid <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Sets player as a server admin with auth level 2
    • removemoderator <steamid64> - Removes player as moderator
    • removeowner <steamid64> - Removes player as owner
    • unban <steamid64> - Unbans player by Steam ID
    Player Controls
    • chat.say - Sends a message from the in-game F1 console to the in-game chat as player
    • craft.add -
    • craft.cancel -
    • craft.canceltask -
    • find <name or . for all> - Search for a command
    • inventory.endloot -
    • inventory.give -
    • inventory.giveid -
    • inventory.givebp -
    • kill - Suicide/kill yourself
    • quit - Saves everything and closes the game
    • respawn - Force yourself to respawn
    • respawn_sleepingbag - Force yourself to respawn in your sleeping bag
    • sleep -
    • spectate -
    • wakeup -
    • players - Shows currently connected clients
    • status - Shows currently connected clients
    • users - Show user info for players on server
    • colliders -
    • ddraw.arrow -
    • ddraw.line -
    • ddraw.sphere -
    • ddraw.text -
    • dev.culling -
    • dev.hidelayer -
    • dev.sampling -
    • dev.showlayer -
    • dev.togglelayer -
    • entity.debug_toggle -
    • entity.nudge -
    • gc.collect - Recollects unused memory and unloads unused assets
    • objects -
    • perf - Print out performance data
    • physics_iterations <number (default: 7)> - The default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies. Must be positive
    • physics_steps ?? - The amount of physics steps per second
    • queue - Shows the stability and surroundings queues
    • report - Generates a report of all spawned entities in the server's root directory
    • textures - Lists the loaded textures
    Oxide Specific
    • oxide.load "file name" - Loads plugin with name given (do not include file extension, ex. lua, js, py)
    • oxide.reload "file name" - Reloads plugin with name given (do not include file extension, ex. lua, js, py)
    • oxide.unload "file name" - Unloads plugin with name given (do not include file extension, ex. lua, js, py)
    • version - Displays the Oxide version and the Rust network protocol version in the console
    • error -
    • init - Loads config
    • inventory.give "item name" <amount> - Gives yourself an item. Only works on RCON?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  2. im trying to use the spectate command, but when i type in spectate - it does nothing
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Did you try hitting spacebar after using the command?
  4. so i type "spectate -" then close the console and hit spacebar? i tried that and nothing happened
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Don't use the dash, that's just a spacing for the comment that doesn't exist. :p
  6. "spectate" close console and hit spacebar isnt doing anything either. :(
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No idea then, sorry. :/
  8. env.time no commands
  9. inventory.givebp does not work - any others that will do? nee dbluepringts
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The Give plugin should be what you are looking for.
  11. Downloaded and installed the c4 Limiter, but C4 still works and is still craftable. What did i wrong?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please post in that plugin's thread. This thread is only for Rust and Oxide Core command reference.
  13. env.time needs a number between 0 and 24. Setting it to 0 (or 24) will set the time to midnight. Setting it to (for example) 9 will set the time to 9 in the morning: setting it to 18 will set it to six in the evening.

    server.writecfg will write the config files out in a human readable form, but, as far as I understand: these will never be loaded! So, changing them has no purpose at all. The 'real' save of config happens automatically when you 'quit' the server.
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    server.writecfg is only used with users.cfg, but it does write to it and is needed if you don't shutdown your server properly after using commands to set a user as a moderator or owner. It will likely be used for server.cfg too now that it is read by the server in the latest Rust builds.
  15. thank you, I was looking for this one!
  16. So where would I find a list of things to give using the inventory give?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  18. what command to restart the server from the console?
    global.restart or restart or other?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Simply restart, but I'm pretty sure all it does is shutdown the server with a countdown of 60 seconds.